Calming by sound.

Rejuvenating when ingested.

Healing when soaking in it.

Life giving.


Sounds incredible, right?  The miracle of water is under-estimated.  Sure, it’s plentiful–water covers 71% of the earth’s surface.  Our bodies are over 60% water!  We can survive about 3 weeks without food, but only 3-4 days without water.

Ever since I was a little girl, I remember being told “Drink 8 glasses of water a day.”

A “glass of water”  back then was 8 ounces.  Not anymore.

water glass

A better way to measure water intake today is to know that 8 glasses of water is roughly equivalent to 2 liters of water per day.  And that’s not including the increased volume you need if you are exercising. The American Council on Exercise recommends drinking 25-28 ounces of fluid before exercise, 7-10 ounces every 10-20 minutes during exercise, and at least 8 ounces after exercise!  Ummm, that’s WAY more water than I drink.

I’ll be honest…. I’m not a good water drinker.  As I started researching water to write this blog, I discovered how important water is for my HEALTH.  There are many excellent reasons to stay well hydrated.

So What’s the Big Deal?

The following is a list of some of the many benefits to staying well hydrated.

  1.  Better Exercise Performance. exercising girl Even slight dehydration will result in a drop in your energy level.  Ask any athlete what happens to their energy levels when they aren’t drinking enough.  Even if you’re not a professional athlete, maintaining good water intake while exercising will is always good for endurance, performance, and also how you feel after the workout.
  2.  Improved Mental Concentration.  Water is an important component for delivering nutrients to your brain, and for removing toxins or waste products from the brain.  Drinking plenty of water is a smart decision because it can make you smarter!
  3. Boost Metabolism. metabolism To burn calories, you need water.  By drinking water, your metabolism is boosted, your body is able to get rid of waste more effectively, and it’s an appetite suppressant!  Ironically, drinking lots of water helps to flush out retained water which translates into weight loss.
  4. Healthier Skin.  So who doesn’t want that dewy, youthful complexion that is actually just healthy skin?  Fewer wrinkles, less puffiness, and better processing of toxic chemicals at the skin level are some of the major benefits of staying well hydrated.
  5. Better Gut Health. gut health Water is especially important for the gut.  Water keeps food moving through the intestines, and keeps the intestines smooth and flexible.  Without water, the intestines try to reabsorb as much liquid as they can, which can lead to constipation.  Softer, more regular bowel movements will be much more likely with good water intake.
  6. Healthy Kidneys.  The master detoxifier of our blood, the kidneys function more effectively, and tend to remain healthier with lots of water intake.  Keeping our blood clean obviously is crucial for our overall well being.

After reading this list, I did some serious reflection on my water intake.  Not only am I not drinking 2 liters of water daily, I’m nowhere NEAR following the recommendations of intake when exercising!

Why?  I think partly it’s that passive-aggressive mentality:  I’m an adult, so I can drink WHATEVER I WANT.  It doesn’t HAVE to be water.  So, is that OK?  It’s still liquid, right?

Actually, yes!  According to WebMD, most liquids, even coffee and tea, can count as liquid intake.  Whew!  That makes my intake look much better.  The only liquid that shouldn’t be counted is alcohol as this is very dehydrating.

Here’s some more good news.  It’s very easy to tell if you’re getting enough to drink by looking at your urine, and also by how often you urinate.  You should urinate every 2-4 hours, and it should be light colored.  Dark yellow urine, or not peeing for 6-8 hours is a pretty good clue that you’re dehydrated.

What’s the Best Water to Drink?

Remember the good old days?  Water came out of your faucet.  Nobody sold bottled water.  Today, the choices we have for water intake are mind boggling.  Many insist that filtered water is the only way to go.  In some parts of the country, I have to agree.  If your tap water is cloudy, discolored, or has a bad odor or taste, you should filter it.  You can go with something as simple as a Brita water filter that looks like a pitcher that you store in your refrigerator.  Or, higher end water filter systems are what many swear by.

Is bottled water OK?  Maybe, but maybe not.  Numerous studies have shown that most water in plastic bottles contain microparticles of plastic, which are harmful for you and the environment.  Not to mention the incredible impact that all of those plastic water bottles is having on our landfills. And, for some countries, the ocean is their landfill.  True confession:  I occasionally use plastic water bottles for the convenience, but I am working at ending this easy habit.

Simple Tips To Increase Your Fluid Intake

  • Keep a water bottle handy. water bottlesWhen you sit at your desk, run errands, go to the gym, eat food, have water right there. (NOT a disposable plastic water bottle!) Would it help to have a favorite water bottle that goes with you everywhere?  Adding some lemon or a favorite flavor is a great way to encourage greater intake.
  • Track your intake.  We keep food diaries, exercise diaries, why not a water diary?  One very simple tracking method is to have a liter water bottle…you have to drink a minimum of 2 of these a day to get your minimum intake requirement!  You can program your smart phone to remind you to drink water at regular intervals.  There are even apps that will help stay on track.  Try Water Drink Reminder or Hydro Drink Water.
  • Don’t forget water based foods. watermelon and waterWatermelon, celery, and cucumber are 3 foods that have a very high water content.  Adding cucumbers or celery to your salad, eating a couple celery stalks, or a refreshing bowl of watermelon are great ways to satisfy your cravings in a very low calorie way.

I hope reading this motivates you to be somewhat more mindful of how much water you’re drinking.  Which leads me to my last point.  I would like to propose to all of you a 10 DAY WATER CHALLENGE.  For the next 10 days, MAKE SURE you are drinking AT LEAST 2 liters of water a day.  Try some of the above tips!

Comment below, “10 Day Challenge Starts Now!”

I’ll follow up with you at the end of 10 days to see how it went.  Did you notice any changes?  Did you feel better?  Did you lose some weight?  How is your skin?  Keep track, and happy drinking!!

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Therese Houk
Therese Houk

Therese Houk is a nurse and yoga instructor who has discovered a way to optimize health and slow aging.  Click here to learn more!

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