therese portrait

Welcome to my Blog page!

You may be asking, "Who are YOU to start a Blog?"  Well, let me tell you a little about who I am. 

I've been a nurse for over 30 years, working in hospitals, an adolescent drug treatment center, schools, and an outpatient center through my career. My "fun, keep my sanity job" has been teaching group fitness, which has morphed from high intensity aerobics in the '90's to over 20 years of yoga instruction. And sure, I've dabbled in a few other money making ventures in my life.

I have 3 beautiful daughters, 3 of the BEST grandchildren, and a great husband!   

My life has revolved around fitness and prevention. I've seen alot, been around the block a few times, as we used to say. 

But my life has been far from perfect.